概要 【Overview】
年代 【Era】
感想 【Impression】
Joy DivisionのUnknown Pleasureのジャケットデザインは多くの方が一度は目にしたことがあるであろう、メジャーなデザインで、ファンでなくとも、このデザインは好きというような方も一定数いると思います。
ヴィンテージTシャツで言うと、ジョイ・ディヴィジョンのTシャツはロックTブーム時の第3〜4波辺りに旺盛していたことをはっきりと記憶していて、その頃はThe Smiths、ルー・リード、 The Velvet UndergroundといったミュージシャンやバンドのTシャツの動きが盛り上がってましたね。
The jacket design of Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasure is a major design that many people have seen at one time or another, and even if you are not a fan, there are probably a certain number of people who like this design.
Since there are many current products on the market, it is unlikely that many people will try to unravel the design and trace it back to the point where it has existed for a long time.
If it’s an original vintage design that is recognized as “something good”, the scarcity value will jump up, and this is a universal fact that is not limited to vintage T-shirts.
In terms of vintage t-shirts, I remember Joy Division t-shirts were very popular during the third or fourth wave of the rock t-shirt boom, when the movement of musicians and bands like The Smiths, Lou Reed, and The Velvet Underground was booming. At that time, the T-shirt movement was booming with musicians and bands like The Smiths, Lou Reed, and The Velvet Underground.
Needless to say, it was a stroke of luck to be able to pick up a Joy Division t-shirt in the middle of that boom.