概要 【Overview】
Jeff Beck’s T-shirt from the 1980s.
年代 【Era】
感想 【Impression】
ジェフ・ベック1980年発表の作品であるThere and Back、文字通りのままのデザインがTシャツへ投影されていますが、ジェフ・ベックだからこそ成立するデザインと言えるかなと思うところです。
There and Back, a work released in 1980 by Jeff Beck, is a design that is literally projected onto a T-shirt, but I think it is a design that is only possible because it is Jeff Beck.
If you think about it, it’s just his name and the name of his work printed on the T-shirt, but if you imagine that it’s himself, for example, it’s so corny that it makes you cry.
Also, for those who don’t know Jeff Beck, it would be difficult to see the value of this T-shirt. (It’s probably harder to find someone who doesn’t know Jeff Beck, though.)
The novelty is in the coloring, and the fact that Jeff Beck’s name is proudly engraved on it makes it a rock tee, but anyone who says, “Oh, it’s a van tee” at a quick glance of the color alone is probably in crazy territory.
This is a simple, yet highly addictive piece that will fascinate you with its unique balance of sporty color scheme and Jeff Beck.