1989年 ザ・ローリング・ストーンズ ツアーTシャツ 【1980’s The Rolling Stones tour T-Shirts】

Music T-Shirts
The Rolling Stones

概要 【Overview】

年代 【Era】

感想 【Impression】

1977年発表の「Love you live」のアートワークはTシャツを通して知りました。


このジャケットデザインは個人的にも気に入っていて、ショップ勤務時代にLAに長期で買い付けに行った際の休日に一人でオールドタウンと呼ばれるオレンジカウンティーの商業地域へ訪れたのですが、たまたま入ったアンティークショップで当時のLove you liveのレコードを見つけ、即購入したものです。

その時は既にLove you liveを知っていましたし、他にもジミヘンやLed zeppelinのレコードなどもあって、お宝を探し当てたのと同じくらいの高揚感を覚えました。


I got to know the artwork of “Love you live” released in 1977 through T-shirts.

The 1989 Rolling Stones t-shirt was a revival of all the previous artwork, with so many designs incorporated into the t-shirt that I thought it was a revival of all the previous t-shirts, and even after starting my own online store, I came across many t-shirts that I had never seen before.

This jacket design is a personal favorite of mine. When I was working in a store, I went on a long buying trip to LA, and on my day off, I visited the commercial area of Orange County called Old Town by myself. I found a Love you live record in an antique shop and bought it immediately.

At that time, I already knew Love you live, and there were other records by Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin, so I was as elated as if I had found a treasure.

I don’t have those records with me now, but just looking at one of the designs brings back vivid memories of my visit to Old Town and how the stores and products were lined up.

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