1990年代 レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズTシャツ 【1990’s Red Hot Chili Peppers T-Shirts】

Music T-Shirts
Red Hot Chili Peppers

概要 【Overview】

1990年代のレッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズのTシャツ。(A Red Hot Chili Peppers T-shirt from the 1990s.)

年代 【Era】


感想 【Impression】

同世代のレッチリ好きにどの作品が一番好き?とアンケートを取るならば1位、2位を争うことが確実なのはこのBlood sugar sex magikで、自分も多大な影響を受けた一人です。








If you were to ask the leccy lovers of my generation, “Which is your favorite album? If you were to ask my contemporaries which album they like best, Blood sugar sex magik would definitely be in the top two, and I am one of the people who have been greatly influenced by it.
When I was in high school, I started playing in a band with my friends, but my bass player friend who was in the band with me told me that Lechley was a piece of shit even before he knew about Lechley, so I didn’t pay attention to them at all.

I remember that after a while, my bass player friend suddenly asked me to play Letchley, and that’s when I started to listen to Letchley.

However, this memory is vague and I think I started listening to Californication first.

I started copying around the time of Californication’s release, so my memory is a bit hazy.I’m pretty sure that I started listening to them not on my own, but on the recommendation of a friend who played bass or guitar, and I really feel that my friends have given me important triggers in my life.I used to have sessions with my guitarist friend at home, and he used to get angry at me for not training enough.I used to have sessions at home with my guitarist friends, and I used to get angry at them for not training enough. Letchley has been at the center of my musical life, including my impressions of the songs and my own experiences, so there are endless episodes.

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