概要 【Overview】
2000’s Municipal Waste’s T-Shirts.
年代 【Era】
相場 【Market price】
感想 【Impression】
At first glance, the design looks like it is from the 1980s or 1990s. However, since Municipal Waste was formed in 2000, the t-shirt is also from the 2000s.This was my first purchase of a 2000s t-shirt.
In the first place, when I buy something, I pay attention to whether it is current or not, whether it is fake or not (if you are dealing with current vintage clothes, there is no problem at all). When I found out later that it was from the 2000s, I didn’t feel any disappointment due to the new age, but rather, I remember being surprised that it was from the 2000s despite the old-fashioned atmosphere and design.
Time moves on, of course, and now even the 90’s is considered vintage, so it’s not surprising that the 2000’s will soon be considered vintage.I think some generations have their own rules, like 1970s is called vintage.
I was young when they started to call 1980s vintage clothes vintage, so I had my doubts about that trend.
However, the way I look at vintage clothing ow, I’m more interested in the changes in design, body, fashion, and history of each era, and I don’t care about when it was called vintage anymore.
I feel that the significance of my activities lies in deciphering the historical background, purpose, and meaning of the T-shirts in front of me.