概要 【Overview】
年代 【Era】
感想 【Impression】
Following Petra, this is one of the so-called “tug-of-war” pieces I’ve been stocking up on that I shouldn’t mention, and its common name in my mind is Budokan.
When I saw Mr. Hosoki clearly saying that “business is dirty,” I realized that, of course, I can’t make a living without making a profit, so whatever I do, I have to go forward with that dirtiness.
The first thing to do is to set a figure for how many times the cost of the product will pay for itself, but when you look at the total cost of the product, if you can’t reach the expected profit even if you set the maximum price for the product, you can’t buy it. If the price of the tying product is extremely low, you can make a profit on it, and the total will be fine.
So, tying is not only a disadvantage, it can also be a powerful barter depending on how you handle it.
Of course, even if I say it’s a tying, I still choose it, so whether it’s Petra or this Budokan, I’m buying it based on the design, so I’m following my own rules.
There is inevitably a disparity in market value depending on the design, but every product has a role to play, so although I am working alone, I am thinking of product development as a team game, as if I were leading a team.